Sun 12.11.2017, 16.00h:
in Hornstein, Altes Forsthaus, Rechte Hauptzeile 22

Sun 6.11.2016, 16.00h:
INDIAN DANCE in Hornstein, Altes Forsthaus, Rechte Hauptzeile 22

Sat 26.11.2016, 19.00h:
CLASSICAL INDIAN DANCE at Off Theater, 1070 Wien, Kirchengasse 41

Tickets & Reservation: or 0650/6209410 and at the theater (15€)
Sun 8.11.2015, 17.00h: Indian Dance Performance in Hornstein, Altes Forsthaus, Rechte Hauptzeile 22

22.8.2015 - Dance Performance at Shantiloka Yoga Fest in Modra, Slowakei
DREHORT ALPEN - a true bollywood romance
28.2.2015: Brunnenpassage Wien, 20h
7.3.2015: Künstlerhaus Kempten, 20h
13.3.2015: Kulturzentrum Hof, Linz, 20h

16. November 2014:
DANCE-PERFORMANCE in Hornstein (Bgld.)
Bharatanatyam & Bollywood
15h, Altes Forsthaus, Rechte Hauptzeile 22

Velan, Murugan, Senthil, Kumaran - plenty are the names for Lord Shiva´s son, one of the oldest gods in South India. He is young, he is handsome, he carries a spear and rides a peacock. He has two wives and lives in the mountains. Murugan is also known as the "Tamil god".
"Margam" means a traditional sequence of dance items, which make up a full repertoire. This margam is about Velan, meaning "the one who is carrying a spear", about his spectacular birth out of Shiva´s third eye, about his youthful beauty, about the unquenchable desire of his devotees, about his colorful peacock which serves as his vehicle, and much more.
Fri 13.9.2013, 19.30h: Velan Margam
Interkulttheater, Fillgradergasse 16, 1060 Wien
Sat 21.9.2013: 19.30h Velan Margam
elledanse, Miletičova 17/B, Bratislava, Slowakei
Sun 29.9.2013: 15.00h Indian Dance (Bharatanatyam & Bollywood)
Altes Forsthaus, Rechte Hauptzeile 22, 7053 Hornstein
Sat 26.1.2013, 18h, Budapest, Indian Cultural Centre: Solo-Performance Bharatanatyam

Sat 10.11.2012: Solo-Performance in Bratislava, Restaurant Ganesha, 17.30h
Sat 10.11.2012 and Sun 11.11.2012: Dance- and Yoga-Workshops in Bratislava

Sun 16.12.2012: Musical "A Bollywood Dream" in Stuttgart, Deutschland

Starting March 2012: Every Tuesday advanced bharatanatyam class in Vienna - see Lessons.
Sun 11.3.2012, 11:00h/19:00h: NATYA - Off Theater, Kirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien

Haran Hari - Traditional Indian Bharatanatyam Dance Performance
Haran is Shiva, the destroyer, Hari is Vishnu, the preserver - both are the most important gods in Hinduism.
Hindus call themselves "Shaiva", devotees of Shiva, or "Vaishnava", devotees of Vishnu.
Shiva and Vishnu and their families are the subject of this dance performance.
Fri 4.11.2011, 18:30h: 1190 Wien, VHS Heiligenstadt, Heiligenstädter Straße 155.
Sun 6.11.2011, 16:00h: 7053 Hornstein, Pfarrsaal, Linke Hauptzeile 43.

Sat 27.8.2011, 18h: Onam-Festival of Vienna Malayalee Association, Haus der Begegnung Liesing, Liesinger Platz 3, 1230 Wien. Performance with Veronika Jaya Sundari Hotowy and Lisa Lengheimer. More information
17. 10. 2010:

Thu 30. 9. 2010, 19h: Performance in Bratislava on the occasion of a book presentation
Sat 28. 8. 2010, 18h: Onam-Festival at Haus der Begegnung Liesing
Thu 25. 3. 2010, 19h: Performance in Bratislava at "India Klub"
Sat 10. 10. 2009: Performance at Austrienta 2009 with Pagal Hai in Oberwaltersdorf
ab 4. 7. 2009: Summer courses July/August - see Lessons!
Sa 27. 6. 2009: Open House at Prosi Art & Culture for summer courses
Wed 24. 6. 2009 14h: Free trial class Indian Filmdance (Bollywood) in Hornstein (Burgenland)
12. 6. 2009: Performance in Studio Palmyra (Bezirksfestwochen)
8. 11. 2008 19h: Dance-Performance in Hornstein, Guests: K. Shanmugha Sundaram, Jaya Sundari
New courses starting October 2008 - see Lessons!
20./21. 9. 2008: Workshop at Natyadhara in MUNICH (Chandra Devi): Bollywood-stickdance-choreography - Senthil is going to teach a choreography with the technique of the North Indian folkdance "Dandya Ras" for the song „Radha Kaise Na Jale“ from the movie Lagaan.
14. 9. 2008: Open house at Tanzstudio Palmyra - free classes - Come and try it out!!
5. 7. 2008: Performance at the PROSI-Straßenfest (7., Kandlgasse 46 -
21./22. 6. 2008: Bharatanatyam-Workshop in Berlin, from 10h-16h at the studio "Phynix tanzt", Hasenheide 54, U7 Südstern. Registration: (
7. 5. 2008, 20h: Short performance by P. Senthilkumar and E. Wolf at the vernissage for the exhibition "Staging the Sets" by Bharati Kapadia (Festsaal Sigmund-Freud-Universität, Schnirchgasse 9a, 1030 Wien).
2.-4. 5. 2008: Workshops at Natyadhara in Munich (Chandra Devi):
Bharatanatyam choreography-workshop - Natanam Adinar,
Indian Filmdance-Project, Workshop III "Tamil Cinematic Dance" - Andankaka
starting 14. 4. 2008: every Monday Bharatanatyam theory class at Natya Mandir... |