I teach pranayama (breathing), asanas (postures), relaxation, bandhas and meditation for beginners and advanced students, old and young, children, and everybody else who wants to experience lasting happiness through exercise of body and mind.
Schedule (Spring 2025):
Yoga soft: pranayama, sun salutation,1 build-up exercises for asanas and light asanas, relaxation
Yoga standard: pranayama, sun salutation, asanas, relaxation, meditation
Yoga advanced: pranayama, sun salutation, advanced asanas, relaxation, meditation
Yoga 50+: extra soft exercises, many breathing exercises and relaxation
Place: SchmerzFrei Praxis,
7053 Hornstein, Burgenland, Ortsmitte 4 (opposite Altes Forsthaus)
Wed 18.00h - 19.00h: Yoga soft
(19.2.2025 bis 22.4.2025)
Tue 19.15h - 20.15h: Meditation & breathing work
(19.2.2025 bis 22.4.2025)
Wed 20.25h - 21.00h: Yoga standard
(19.2.2025 bis 22.4.2025)

Place: 2444 Seibersdorf, Hauptstraße 18 (Volksschule)
Mon 18.15h - 19.45h: Yoga soft
(17.2.205 bis 28.4.2025)
Courses take place with min. 6 and max. 9 persons.
Registration for the whole course only.
No classes on holidays (Semester holidays Bgld., Easter holidays)
Mon-Course: 145€
Wed-Yoga-Courses: 155€
Wed-Meditation & breathing work: 75€
Private class (on request): 60€ per unit (ca. 90 minutes)
REGISTRATION via Email/Phone (Contact).
No class on holidays/semester holidays- see my Calendar!
Semester-course-participants: If you can´t come for a class, please give me notice before 12h (call, SMS, email). If you want to make up for a missed class on another day, you can ask me after 13h on that same day if there is place in the class. After the semester-course is finished, all missed classes expire.
Comfortable clothing.
Important: The main goal during yoga is relaxation and concentration on your body and mind. Should you feel during class that something is too much for you, don´t feel guilty, just lie down on your mat, close your eyes and relax.